Real Natural Foods

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I welcome you to my online journal! You’re here in the right place where we talk about the truths of God’s kingdom that make our lives better day by day. This ministry is all about Jesus and His heavenly kingdom – and how it relates to us. It is my sincere desire that as many people as possible would come to know Jesus and His great love, power, wisdom and glory – and to this end, I will be putting up amazing and revelational posts here and I really do hope that you will be blessed and edified as you read them. God has through His Spirit done a lot through me but no title is better than what the Holy Spirit did when He made me God’s ambassador, His go-to girl. So, every now and then as God’s Spirit inspires me, I will also be putting up posts on some of the things the Lord has done through me and in my life.

Please expect to be taught of the Lord as you read!